5 Ways AI will Change the Future of Practice Management

There is no denying that technology is having a massive impact on the world around us, and healthcare is no different. With the invention of Artificial Intelligence, we are seeing some big changes in this industry. But what exactly does the future hold when it comes to AI in the healthcare industry?
Understanding Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the ability of a digital computer to carry out tasks we typically associate with intelligent beings. It enables machines to mimic the decision-making and problem-solving capabilities of the human mind.
Pros and cons of AI in healthcare
There are pros and cons when it comes to the use of AI in the healthcare industry. Let’s take a look at both:
Pros of AI in healthcare
The benefits of AI in practice management are as follows:
• AI provides real-time data
• It makes healthcare more accessible
• It helps to streamline tasks
• AI-powered techniques help in detecting early disease risks
• We can save resources and time
• Can lower physician stress
• It aids in research
• AI helps to promote mental wellness and enhances human talents
Cons of AI in healthcare
The cons of artificial intelligence in medical practice are as follows:
• AI requires human surveillance
• There is the possibility of a defective diagnosis
• Social variables may be overlooked
• A lack of personal involvement
• Inaccuracies are still a possibility
• AI could result in unemployment if robots replace jobs
What do the stats say about AI usage in practice management?
It is estimated that AI applications can cut yearly healthcare costs in the United States by as much as $150 billion by 2026. One area whereby AI can prove to be extremely beneficial is in terms of automating tasks, with admin relating to 30 percent of healthcare expenses. There is certainly a lot of potential in this space.
5 Ways AI will change the future of practice management
So, how is artificial intelligence used in the medical field? There are a number of different ways that we expect to see AI change the future of practice management. This includes the following:
1. Predict risks
There is only one place to begin when it comes to artificial intelligence in practice management, and this is with predicting risks. In the United States, hospital expenses for potentially preventable conditions account for every $1 in £10 of total hospital costs.
With AI-driven predictive modeling, using EHR data, we will be able to outperform conventional predictive models in terms of forecasting in-hospital mortality, prolonged length of stay, 30-day unplanned readmission, and all of the final discharge diagnoses of a patient.
2. Automate repetitive clerical tasks
One of the most beneficial uses of AI when it comes to practice management is automating repetitive clerical tasks that are currently suffocating practices all over the country.
You can use AI to automate the likes of analytics, data reporting, billing, appointment reminders, prior authorizations, insurance claims, and eligibility checks.
3. Make primary care encounters more rewarding and efficient
You can also use AI to automate certain elements of pre-visiting planning. This will ensure primary care encounters are more rewarding and efficient for both physicians and patients.
4. Unshackle physicians from the EHR
Clinical documentation in the EHR is one of the greatest drivers of physician burnout across the United States. In fact, it causes between $90 and $140 billion in lost physician time per annum.
Although this is an area of AI and healthcare that is still in the early days, we’re seeing AI-driven digital scribes being developed that will listen in on physician-patient conversations, automatically generating a clinical note.
This will help to lower burnout considerably and unshackle physicians from the EHR.
5. Digital health coaching
Finally, a significant healthcare expense in the United States is the management of chronic diseases.
Text-based health coaching, which is driven by AI, is likely to become more and more prominent in the future, helping people with lifestyle interventions.
How a technology-based system like Doc360° help
Technology-based systems, like Doc360, are already having an impact in the healthcare sector. They are helping people to make better decisions regarding their healthcare needs. You can easily search for doctors in your local area based on their specialism, with aggregated ratings being pulled in to aid you in choosing the best possible doctor for your needs.
The future of AI and practice management
As you can see, there is a bright future ahead when it comes to AI in the healthcare industry. From digital health coaching to automating clerical tasks, there are many ways AI will drive practice management forward.